Sunday, November 25, 2012

Meg: My Daily Struggles

I'm a night owl and because of that there are a few obstacles I face on a daily basis when it comes to eating.

1. Breakfast. I'm just NOT hungry when I wake up. In fact, I used to wait until about 1pm to eat my first meal but by then I was so hungry I would pile down everything on my plate. Looking back I probably ate an entire days worth of calories in that first meal alone. And by 9pm I was hungry again!

2. Midnight snacks. Even when I do eat consistently throughout the day I am always hungry after 8:30pm. Every single time. I try to save a snack for after 8pm but very rarely does it squash the feeling of hunger. I pretty much stay hungry until I go to sleep.

3. Bed Time. If I fall asleep BEFORE 9pm it is almost guaranteed that I will be wide awake before 1am and unable to fall back asleep before 4am. If I fall asleep before midnight? We are looking at a 3am wake up time. I'm a trooper for most of the day but I usually collapse from exhaustion by 4pm. A nap at that time will reset my night owl status the same day.

What I'm trying to say is that everyone has their own level of weightloss struggles. I battle these obstacles on a daily (or nightly) basis and sometimes it just doesn't work out for me.

However, recognizing them and trying different solutions has helped me in many ways too. I feel a sense of accomplishment when I work for a perfect day. Of course not every day is perfect but when I wake up tomorrow I know that I can start all over again.

I'm trying out a new "solution" this week. I've set my Reminders app to alert me during my meal and snack times.

A quick breakdown of how I allot calories:

Breakfast: 200
Snack: 100
Lunch: 200
Snack: 100
Dinner: 500
Snack: 100

Total: 1200

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