
Meg is a 27 28 year old, tattoo sporting, political punk loving, iphone toting, rocker mom. She changes her hair color more often than the oil in her car. A dedicated wife for more than half a decade, she has spent the last few years pulling double shifts as both a stay at home mom and small business entrepreneur. Her days are spent volunteering in her daughter's kindergarten  1st grade class and late nights managing Social Media marketing campaigns for some of San Diego's more recognized companies.

Melody is currently engaged to the love of her life. While working full time in child nutrition during the day at a private preschool she spends her nights and weekends attending college and planning her dream wedding. She has always had a flair for dance and choreography and spent all 4 years of high school leading her dance and drill team to rank 5th in the world. Her love for dance is comparable only to her love for animals. Always one to sympathize with the life of other living creatures she recently made the transition to vegetarian.

Through their trials of life, love and the pursuit of happiness both sisters found that bad habits and slow changes began to get in the way of what really mattered the most to their bodies. Health took a backseat to daily activities and the endless amounts of energy began to wane.

Follow along as they chronicle their journeys from flab to fab. Check out the latest and greatest interactive, state-of-the-art smart tools as they promote health, fitness and beauty for the Google generation in new and exciting ways.