Saturday, March 17, 2012

DIY Flatbread Pizza

Pizza has to be one of my biggest weaknesses. There is just something so amazing about melted cheese topped with spinach, garlic, mushrooms, tomato, olives, artichokes, pineapple, Canadian bacon, sausage, and any combination in between.

What I don't love about pizza is the insane amount of calories per slice. I just couldn't understand how loading some dough with so many "healthy" things could be "bad" for you?

One of the first things I had to do when I first started my weight loss journey was figure out a way to get my pizza fix without breaking the calorie bank.

The solution? Fat free cheese and a lighter crust.

I was never a fan of thin crust pizza but for the sake of a healthy lifestyle I have managed to adapt. That isn't to say I don't crave Pizza Hut deep dish but this little recipe usually does the trick to curb those cravings. PLUS! My 6 year old LOVES to top hers with as many veggies as she can find. I have to admit, her carrot/spinach/mushroom/broccoli pizza was quite a sight. But she ate every last bite* and looks foreword to our Pizza nights.

We usually pair our flatbread pizza with a spinach side salad topped with light Italian dressing. For about $10 our family of 3 can make this meal several times. I will often throw one together for lunch as well!

*I should clarify that she likes those veggies anyway but I can usually only talk her into 1 at a time. There is just something about decorating her pizza that makes her not care that they are all mixed.

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